Friday, April 16, 2010

Midland and Kerrville Pics.

Typical Midland Vehicle. My cousin Karen Sues Family.

JR'S 'QUICK HITS II'----Today marks day 7 of the Southern Swing and I have two new sets of Letters to deal with: the first is"RVSS" which stands for RV Stress Syndrome, which I am starting to suffer from. It is marked by sudden outbursts of panic, hysteria, graphic cursing, nostalgia for my stationary bed and an extrodinary desire for beers at 8 or 9 AM! It is brought on by my exteme stupidity regarding electrical and mechanical items on this RV. I have a hard time turning on a radio, so this beast presents new challenges to my left (or is that right) sided brain.
The second letters are my new initials; not JR anymore but LB, which is short for Lard Butt! We have eaten Mexican chow for 4 of the 7 nights on the road (none of which was home prepared) mainly because there are so many great Mexican restaurants in this part of the world and also because some of my relatives are also Lard Butts....just kidding you guys...bottom line,we're having a great time and our site here in Kerrville is about as pretty a place as you can imagine. Heading to Fredricksburg, Texas tomorrow to sample some great German food (town was founded by Germans); I hear German food is very healthy and low calorie as is their main! Stay tuned...I hope "Weight Watchers" has an open class when I get home.
JR Out

1 comment:

  1. What fun, you make this trip look amazing or maybe I'm just hungry for Mexican Food. Miss you guys. April
